
Why Prepare?

Taking action now can save lives, prevent injury, and minimize property damage in the moments of a crisis. If you do not have a crisis plan in place, it is time to develop one. If you have one, review, practice, and update your plan. This information is designed to give you basic guidance. Every school’s needs and circumstances are different, so it is import that you become familiar with your schools emergency plans!

If you have children in school:

  • ​DO NOT go to the school to pick up your children unless told to do so by school officials. If you go to the school, you may be putting yourself and your children in danger when doors are opened to allow you to remove your children from their safe shelter.

  • DO NOT try to call your child’s school. If there is an emergency, phone lines will be needed for official business. Students will be taken into schools and cared for or evacuated by bus to a safe haven.

School safety is a priority in Athens County. Every Athens County school has an emergency plan that they routinely practice. Knowing and following these procedures can lead to increased community safety. Contact your local school district and become familiar with their emergency plans.